This was such an interesting and helpful article. For some reason I never knew there was a name for my obliviousness to so many things in life (to the amazement of my husband and daughter), eg any TV advert (I tune them all out), the fact our car sun roof is blue or even what our car looks like generally (I can never find it in the car park when my husband is picking me up), my husband's hair (I never know if it's been cut or not) and lots more. Yet I am hyper focused on other things (there is not a speck of fluff on the floor that escapes my attention) and I will absolutely go for hours and hours without stopping to eat or drink when I'm painting or writing or working on anything in which I'm completely absorbed. I think for me it was incredibly helpful when it came to all my academic studies including my PhD and is still helpful when it comes to my creative life, but it's far less helpful in terms of me being a present and engaged member of the family.

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Vibrant immersion. That's exactly it. And how much it hurts to be torn from an attention tunnel. You describe it so well.

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I've desperately missed being able to do this as the primary parent of two littles, and have recently really begun to advocate for my need to have time alone, because, as you mentioned, it really is a need. My wellbeing is deeply affected when I don't have the chance to be alone and recharge and enjoy following the flow without being interrupted.

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